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Other Publications of
Prof. Wang-Hsien Ding

(A)發表於國際(SCI)期刊之論文 (2002 - 2006):

38."Determination of Xenoestrogens Octylphenol and Nonylphenols in Oyster and Snail Tissues by Extractive Steam Distillation and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry" Cheng, C.C., Liu, L.L., Ding, W.H. J. Chinese Chem. Soc. (2005) 52, 1257-1262.

37."Application of Cyclodextrin-mediated Capillary Electrophoresis to Determine the Apparent Binding Constants and Thermodynamic Parameters of the Alkylnaphthalene Derivatives" Wu, S.H. and Ding, W.H., Electrophoresis (2005) 26,      3528-3537.

36."Determination of Pharmaceutical Residues by Solid-phase Extraction and Large-volume On-line Derivatization with Gas chromatography-Mass spectrometry" Lin, W.C., Chen, H.C., Ding W.H., J. Chromatogr. A (2005) 1065, 279-285.

35."Determination of Fluorescent Whitening Agents in Household Detergents and Surface Waters by Ion-pair High-Performance Liquid Chromatography" Shu, W.C., Ding, W.H. J. Chromatogr. A (2005) 1088, 218-223.

34."Determination of Alkylphenolic Residues in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables by Extractive Steam Distillation and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry" Yang, D.K., Ding, W.H. J. Chromatogr. A (2005) 1088, 200-204.

33."Separation and Migration Behavior of Positional and Structural Naphthalenesulfonate Isomers by Cyclodextrin-mediated Capillary Electrophoresis" Chen, M.H. and Ding. W.H. J. Chromatogr. A (2004) 1033, 167-172.

32."Analysis of Alkyltrimethylammonium Surfactants in Hair Conditioners and Fabric Softeners using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry with Electron-Impact and Chemical Ionization" Tsai, P.C. and Ding, W.H. J. Chromatogr. A (2004) 1027, 103-108.

31."Trace Determination of Bisphenol A and Phytoestrogens in Milk Powders by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry" Kuo, H.W. and Ding, W.H. J. Chromatogr. A (2004) 1027, 67-74.

30."Determination of Homologues of Quaternary Ammonium Surfactants by Capillary Electrophoresis using Indirect UV Detection " Liu, H.Y. and Ding, W.H. J. Chromatogr A (2004) 1025, 303-312.

29."Analysis of Naphthalenesulfonate Compounds by Cyclodextrin-Mediated Capillary Electrophoresis with Sample Stacking" Chen, H.C. and Ding, W.H. J. Chromatogr A. (2003) 996, 205-212.

28."Determination of Alkyltrimethylammonium Chlorides in River Water by Gas Chromatography/Ion-trap Mass Spectrometry with Electron-impact and Chemical Ionization" Ding, W.H. and Tsai, P.C. Anal. Chem. (2003) 75,1792-1797.

27.   "Derivatization Procedures for the Detection of Estrogenic Chemicals by Gas Chromatographic-Mass Spectrometry"   Ding, W.H. and Chian, C.C. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. (2003) 17, 56-63.

26."Development and Validation of Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Method for the Determination of Benzalkonium Chlorides in Ophthalmic Solutions" Hou, Y.H., Wu, C.Y. and Ding, W.H. J. Chromatogr A. (2002) 976, 207-213.

25."Determination of nonylphenol polyethoxylates in household detergents by high-performance liquid chromatography" Cheng, C.Y. and Ding, W.H. J. Chromatogr A. (2002) 968, 143-150.

24."Determination of Naphthalenesulfonates in Industrial Effluents and River Water Samples by Solid-Phase Extraction and Capillary Zone Electrophoresis" Liu, C.H. and Ding, W.H. J. Chinese Chem. Soc. (2002) 49, 349-354.


8. "環境荷爾蒙 - 壬基苯酚與雙酚A在臺灣水環境中之分析與流布調查"吳建誼、丁望賢 環境檢驗 (2000) No. 33, 12-21.

7. "氣相層析儀注射埠中離子對直接衍生法之原理與應用"丁望賢、陳仲村 科儀新知 (1999) Vol. 21 (1), 76-82.

6. "次臨界水萃取技術之原理及應用"丁望賢、范志豪 科儀新知 (1999) Vol. 20 (4), 60-67.

5. "液相化學游離法之原理和在分析化學上的應用"曾新華、丁望賢, 科儀新知 (1998) Vol. 20 (2), 86-94.

4. "低壓液相層析儀", 丁望賢 儀器總覽-(4)化學分析儀器 (1998) 98-100.

3. "離子阱質譜儀", 曾新華、丁望賢 儀器總覽-(4)化學分析儀器 (1998) 57-59.

2. "四極矩質譜儀", 華希哲、丁望賢 儀器總覽-(4)化學分析儀器 (1998) 54-56.

1. "界面活性劑殘留物和代謝衍生物在水環境中之探討"曾新華、丁望賢 科學發展月刊 (1997) Vol. 25 (9), 644-647.


21."Determination of Fluorescent Whitening Agents in Hhousehold Detergents and Surface Waters by High-performance Liquid Chromatography" Shu, W.C., Ding, W.H., Presented in 25th Internal. Sym. on Chromatography, Paris, France (October, 2004)

20."Determination of Alkylphenolic Compounds in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables by Extractive Steam Distillation and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry" Yang, D.K., Ding, W.H., Presented in 25th Internal. Sym. on Chromatography, Paris, France (October, 2004)

19."Determination of Estrogenic Alkylphenols in Oyster and Snail Tissues by Extractive Steam Distillation and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry" Cheng, C.Y., Liu, L.L., Ding, W.H., Presented in 27th Internal. Sym. Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy (May, 2004)

18."Determination of Fluorescent Whitening Agents in Paper Materials and Infant Clothes by High-performance Liquid Chromatography" Shu, W.C., Ding, W.H., Presented in 27th Internal. Sym. Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy (May, 2004)

17."Determination of Alkylphenols in Coastal Waters, Sediments and Tissues by Steam Distillation Extraction and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry" Cheng, C.Y., Liu, L.L. and Ding, W.H., Presented in 227th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Anaheim, Ca (April, 2004)

16."Optimization and comparison of electrospray, atmospheric pressure chemical ionization and atmospheric pressure photoionization in the analysis of estrogenic compounds by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry" Kuo, H.W. and Ding, W.H., Presented in 227th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Anaheim, Ca (April, 2004)

15."Investigation of the inclusion complexation of naphthalenesulfonate compounds in cyclodextrin-modified capillary electrophoresis" Ding, W.H., Chen, M.H., presented in 2004 Hawaii Internal. Conf. on Sciences, Honolulu, USA (January 15-18, 2004)

14."Analysis of alkyltrimethylammonium surfactants in hair conditioners and fabric softeners using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with electron-impact and chemical ionization" Ding, W.H., Tsai, P.C., presented in 26th Internal. Sym. on Capillary Chromatog. and Electrophoresis, Las Vegas, USA (May 18-22, 2003)

13."Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in cloud water at a remote ountain site in northern Taiwan" Ding, W.H., Cheng, C.Y., Lin, N.H., presented in 8th Internal. Conf. on Atmospheric Sciences and Applications to Air Quality, Tsukuba Science City, Japan (March 11-13, 2003)

12."Determination of pharmaceutical residues by large-volume on-line derivatizaton and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry" Ding, W.H., presented in Soc. Environ. Toxicol. Chem.(SETAC) 12th Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria (May 10-16, 2002).

11."Development and Validation of Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Method for the Determination of Benzalkonium Chlorides in Ophthalmic Solutions" Ding, W.H., Hou, Y.H., Wu, C.Y., presented in 7th Internal. Sym. Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography. Brugge, Belgium (Feb. 9-11, 2002).

(D)參加國內學術研討會之論文 (2002-2004):

39."利用毛細管電泳法計算主-客內包錯合物結合常數之探討" 吳斯燻、丁望賢,2004中國化學年會,中興大學,台中

38."利用離子配對高效液相層析儀檢測清潔劑及河水中螢光增白劑之研究" 許瑋娟、丁望賢,2004環境分析研討會,崑山科技大學,臺南

37."以蒸氣蒸餾前處理法結合氣相層析質譜儀檢測新鮮蔬果及其產品中之烷基苯酚聚乙氧基醇類代謝物之殘留量" 楊登凱、丁望賢,2004環境分析研討會,崑山科技大學,臺南

36."以固相萃取法搭配液相層析質譜儀分析水環境中雌性激素化合物" 郭瀚文、丁望賢,2004分析化學技術交流研討會,中興大學,臺中

35."以電灑游離法研究環糊精內包錯合物之結合機制" 陳玫慧、丁望賢,2004分析化學技術交流研討會,中興大學,臺中

34."以大氣壓力化學游離法與電灑游離法針對雌性激素化合物游離效果之比較" 郭瀚文、丁望賢,2003中國化學年會,中原大學,中壢

33."以毛細管環糊精修飾電泳法分離位置異構物與結合常數之測定" 陳玫慧、丁望賢,2003中國化學年會,中原大學,中壢

32."Determination of Estrogenic Alkylphenols in Oyster and Snail Tissues by Extractive Steam Distillation and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry" Ding, W.H., Cheng, C.Y., Liu, L.L., 2003 Internal. Chemical Conf., Taipei (ICCT)- Analytical Chemistry, Taipei, Taiwan (Oct, 2003)

31."利用蒸氣蒸餾前處理法檢測牡蠣和岩螺體內烷基苯酚之濃度" 鄭智元、劉莉蓮、丁望賢,2003環境分析研討,環境檢驗所,中壢

30."利用氣相層析質譜儀檢測植物性雌激素與雙酚A在奶粉中的濃度" 郭瀚文、丁望賢, 2002第二屆環境荷爾蒙與持久性有機污染物研討會,台大,臺北

29."奶粉與清潔劑中的隱形物質" 丁望賢、鄭智元、郭瀚文, 2002第二屆環境荷爾蒙與持久性有機污染物研討會,台大,臺北

28."國內界面活性劑類環境荷爾蒙的污染現況" 丁望賢, 2002第二屆環境荷爾蒙與持久性有機污染物研討會,台大,臺北

27."Determination of Alkyltrimethylammonium Chlorides in Hair Conditioners and River Waters by Gas Chromatography/Ion-trap Mass Spectrometry with Electron-impact and Chemical Ionization" 丁望賢、蔡佩娟, 2002中國化學年會,臺北

26."利用氣相層析質譜儀檢測水環境中氮三乙酸(NTA)、乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)之方法開發與研究" 楊登凱、陳泰吉、丁望賢, 2002中國化學年會,臺北

25."利用高效液相層析儀搭配UV/Vis偵測器分析氯四環素及羥四環素" 曾怡華、丁望賢, 2002中國化學年會,臺北

24."利用固相萃取與離子對線上衍生法快速分析水環境中具有極性官能基醫療藥品的殘留物" 林宛靜、丁望賢, 2002中國化學年會,臺北

23."利用高效液相層析儀結合UV/Vis偵檢器分析乙醯胺酚與乙醯水楊酸" 王碧蓮、丁望賢, 2002中國化學年會,臺北

22."環境荷爾蒙 - 壬基苯酚有機汙染物在水環境與清潔劑中之分析與調查" 丁望賢,2002環境分析化學研討會,朝陽科技大學,臺中

21."利用熱裂解直接高溫衍生法快速分析直鏈式烷基三甲基銨鹽類陽離子型界面活性劑之方法建立與應用" 蔡佩娟、丁望賢,2002分析化學技術交流研討會,弘光技術學院,臺中

20."水環境中雌性激素類化合物檢測方法的研究與開發" 江政哲、丁望賢,2002分析化學技術交流研討會,弘光技術學院,臺中

19."利用高效液相層析儀-螢光偵檢器快速檢測清潔劑中壬基苯酚聚乙氧基醇類濃度" 鄭智元、丁望賢,2002分析化學技術交流研討會,弘光技術學院,臺中

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